Saturday, October 23, 2010


This past week, the President explained that because voters “don’t think clearly when scared” the electorate seems poised to defeat dozens of Democratic lawmakers next month. Can you recall a leader of this republic ever accusing the majority of voters of not thinking clearly? What arrogance! What condescension! More importantly, what a misjudgment.

In actuality, those who “think clearly” are the ones leading the opposition to the President’s policies. Can we obtain higher quality health care for less cost through more government regulation and price controls? Does confiscating wealth from the productive, taxing carbon dioxide emissions, printing billions, and borrowing trillions lead to economic prosperity? Should the government bail out irresponsible corporations ? Should the rule of law be abandoned to aid corrupt union bosses? Should the leader of the free world apologize for our country’s past endeavors? Should our President humiliate our staunchest of allies, Israel? Should his Justice Department sue a state for enforcing immigration laws? Tens of millions of clear thinkers respond with a resounding “NO” to each of these questions.

Overwhelming opposition to the President from millions of citizens this fall is not due to lack of clear thinking, the administration’s lack of communication capabilities, or an electorate who can’t understand “complicated” [in the word’s of VP Biden] legislation. We are simply evaluating the policies of this administration. We are realizing that a day of reckoning approaches for our that our nation.

In the words of Rudyard Kipling in his poem “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”:

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

We are thinking clearly.

Friday, October 22, 2010


This week, liberal Bill Press derided Senator Jeff Sessions (R, Alabama) for suggesting the14th Amendment of the Constitution does not extend citizenship to children of illegal immigrants born within the United States. Rather than explain why he disagreed with this alternative interpretation of this important amendment, Mr. Press proceeded to mock southerners and all others who dared analyze this situation differently. http://

With banjos in the background, a mock Southern accent, and substandard English, Mr. Press implied that proponents of this alternative viewpoint are similar to those who believe in UFO's and alien encounters. To further back up his opinion, Bill Press stated his opponents were "mean-spirited".

Why would an intelligent commentator resort to stereotypes and name-calling in place of sound logic? Why do Leftists resort to emotionalism over objectivism? Why do the leading "thinkers" of the Left hesitate to use reason rather than bumper-sticker insults?

Let's take a look at the Constitution and the history behind the 14th Amendment to understand just why there is disagreement regarding its meaning. Amendment 14, Section 1 of the US Constitution states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside..."

Bill Press claims that Amendment 14 provides that all people born within the United States are citizens. Read it again for yourself. Don't take someone else's word for it. The Constitution clearly states that being born or naturalized in the United States is insufficient on its own to be considered a citizen. A person must also be "subject to the jurisdiction" of this country. Words are important! While the word "and" might seem insignificant, functioning without this conjunction would be quite difficult.

It should be evident to all that the citizenship is dependent on the following two conditions being met: (1) a person being "born or naturalized in the United States AND (2) being "subject to the jurisdiction" of this country. So, the debate should be centered on which people born in the United States are subject to United States jurisdiction.

Understanding the history behind the 14th Amendment helps us put the question in context. Contrary to what Senator Sessions stated, the founders did not draft this amendment. The 14th Amendment, in fact, codified portions of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which granted U.S. citizenship to all persons born in the United States--- with one caveat. This caveat was that any such person could not be subject to a foreign power. Granting full citizenship to former slaves was the primary purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1866! These former slaves and their offspring were indeed subject to this country's jurisdiction. The phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States was a limiting clause placed on the granting of citizenship to people born within the United States.

Are the children of illegal immigrants subject to the jurisdiction of this country? The author of the clause, Senator Jacob Howard, stated the clause excluded aliens and foreigners. Other supporters of the amendment viewed the amendment differently. A diversity of opinions on the meaning of this amendment existed then, as they do now.

I am NOT proposing citizenship should be denied to the children of illegal immigrants! I'm simply suggesting that before hurling accusations at those who disagree with our point of view on this topic, we should consider the rationale behind their opinion. Discourse and civility, rather than Bill Press's impassioned rhetoric, should prevail. Too often, journalists and commentators choose to inflame passions rather instead of informing the public and searching for truth.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Praise of Narcissistic Fools?

Some pundits this week expressed admiration for the stunt the "Imperial Stars" pulled. On October 12, the band maneuvered their large truck across the 101 in Southern California, parked it across several lanes, then "performed" on top of it in front of their captive freeway audience. According to the band, they intended to draw attention to the problem of child hunger.

Speaking out about a cause is one of the freedoms guaranteed by our Bill of Rights -- the freedom of speech. However, this right in no way permits an individual from blocking a freeway thereby hindering people from doctor's appointments, job interviews, work committments, family, and other aspects of daily life.

Whether profit, publicity, or sympathy for starving children motivated this collection of narcissistic fools is irrelevant! Earning a profit can be perfectly moral-- so can gaining publicity or solving world hunger. However, stealing from someone elses pocket or stealing time from someone else's life is immoral, even if that thief's intent is "noble".

This band deserves incarceration and condemnation, not praise, for this disturbing behavior.

Friday, October 15, 2010

LETTING THE HOUSE BURN: The right decision?

LETTING THE HOUSE BURN: The right decision?

By Joel Griffith

On September 29, 2010 Gene Cranick's grandson decided to start a trash fire outside his grandpa's house. The fire soon grew out of control, spreading to Gene's home. Frantically Gene dialed 911. Shortly thereafter, a fire engine arrived. Yet, to his chagrin, the department refused to extinguish the flames because Gene had not paid $75 in advance to warrant such services. The fire department squad remained just off his property, watching the flames completely consume Gene's house.

Following this incident, pundits criticized the department for its refusal to act over a mere $75. Emotions were high, accusations ran wild, and judgments were instantly made. We all agree that such an horrific loss so easily avoidable is a tragedy. Yet, in our rush to assign blame, we have neglected a thoughtful analysis of the situation.

Rather than enact a property tax pay the costs of a county fire department, the residents of Obion County purchase such protection individually from the city of South Fulton. If a particular resident in a rural location chooses to forgo protection, the impact on surrounding neighbors is minimal. Obviously, such a choice cannot be rationally permitted in an urban setting as one person's refusal to subscribe to such a service may have dire consequences on a neighbor!

By choosing to simply pay for such fire services from ANOTHER government entity, the residents of Obion County and South Fulton save money! Like any other organization, maintaining a fire department requires a significant amount of overhead costs. Through economies of scale, the cost to each end-user of a this service is reduced. The citizens of South Fulton benefit from this agreement as part of its fire department is funded by the citizens of Obion County. The citizens of Obion County benefit by paying less money yearly than they would if they had to maintain their own fire department.

What would happen if the city of South Fulton decided to make an exception and extend its services to someone who had not paid the fees? The immediate result would possibly be a rescued home. However, many other homeowners would possibly decide not to renew their $75 agreements with the city the following year. Why pay the fee if their house will be saved anyway in the event of an emergency?

If more county residents refused to pay the yearly protection fees, South Fulton could either (1) decide to halt service to Obion County or (2) subsidize the county costs with higher fees to city residents. If South Fulton choose to halt service, Obion County could either (1) institute it's own fire department at a cost to each homeowner significantly higher than the $75 yearly fee or (2) simply do without fire protection.

Each option negatively affects the general populaces of South Fulton and greater Obion County. Why should the residents of the city of South Fulton be forced to extend services paid for with their tax dollars to those of another locale? Why should responsible homeowners be forced to subsidize the negligence of a neighbor? Why should the citizens of Obion County be forced to fund their own fire department through unnecessary property taxes? Why should an entire county be forced to do without fire protection due to unnecessarily high costs?

All of these negative outcomes are avoided by respecting the decisions of the citizens of Obion County and the city of South Fulton. They have clearly spoken.


To me, Zionism is passion about the Jewish homeland, a symbol of the enduring Jewish spirit, and a fortress for Jewish cultural integrity.

Inseparable from the Zionist idea is the geographic location of the land of Israel. Zion specifically referred to a particular mountain just outside Jerusalem. King David himself conquered the fortress that stood on this hill! 3000 years after David’s victory, modern Zionism cannot be separated from the Promised Land. When Theodore Hertzl began his life’s work of securing a homeland for the Jewish people, he discovered that only the Holy Land could renew the hopes and dreams of Jews dispersed across the globe to once again live as a nation. Spirited rejection met every suggestion of obtaining land in the Americas and elsewhere for the purpose of a Jewish homeland.

As Zionists, we must continue the tradition of boldly proclaiming the Jewish people hold legitimate title to the “Holy Land.” The land that our patriarch Abraham claimed after leaving his societal bonds in Ur is the same land that his descendants settled following their miraculous escape from Egypt. And this land is the same land to which Jews from all across the globe are gathering and thriving after millennia of dispersion.

Our eternal capital must always be an undivided Jerusalem, our settlements must grow and thrive, and defenses against intruders must continue, whether sanctioned by the international community or not. And Israel must be recognized as a "Jewish" state.

Zionism is also a symbol of fortitude of the Jewish spirit. Consider the events our people witnesses in ages past. The Romans completely extinguished our political autonomy, Christianity and Islam co-opted our religious traditions, and the ruling powers forcibly dispersed our communities to remote regions of the globe. Over the next 1500 years, a myriad of forces conspired to restrict economic opportunities, persecute our intellectual leaders, and deny us our religious heritage. Then, finally we suffered the atrocities in Europe last century to annihilate not only our identity but our very physical presence from the face of the earth. Yet, the Jewish people have survived! Our traditions endure and in 1948 the state of Israel emerged after over 2000 years of banishment. This narrative is a testament to our God-given spirit!

Lastly, Zionism represents a fortress. Surviving myriads of evil and at last inhabiting our Promised Land, is not the complete essence of Zionism. There is a grander climax! We are now free to live as more than just an oppressed minority or as an emancipated ethnic group. The Zionist ideal allows Jewish people within a Jewish society within the entire nation of Israel. Zionism is the fortress within which to thrive uninhibited. Freed from the corrosive assimilating forces within and secure from the explosive campaigns of violence without, self-determination at last is possible for the Jewish people!

This is what Zionism means to me.



I wasn’t the type of Jewish young adult you might expect to be interested in a trip to Israel. I grew up estranged from the Jewish heritage of my mother. And estranged may be a mild word. You see, my family had more than simply assimilated into a generic suburban Ohio culture—my Jewish mother married a fundamentalist Baptist minister, my father—and my belief system as a child and even into the college years reflected this upbringing.

During my 17 years of childhood in Ohio, and throughout the following four years attending a Baptist college, I never met a single peer who identified with the Jewish culture or who practiced Judaism.

Then, as a 25 year old 1L in lawschool, I quickly developed a friendship with one particular Jewish law student. For the first time, I heard about the birthright program-- a free trip to Israel for Jewish young adults. Eager to visit the place which was the focal point of so many memorable stories learned of in my Christian Sunday School and where I knew my ancestors lived many centuries ago, I—along with one of my younger brothers- applied to the program. –In fact, we were the first of our ten Jewish cousins to do so.


Several months later, the journey was underway via a flight from NYC to TelAviv. Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, most of the passengers around me still sleeping, one of the Hassidic men onboard approached my seat, politely asking whether I would accompany him for morning prayers, including applying the tefillin. When I informed the man of my unfamiliarity with the practice, he offered to guide me through the Ve-haya Im Shamoa — for the first time.

As I bound the teffilin repeating, out loud, those words in the 13th chapter of Deuteronomy, an incredible emotion took took hold of me “Put these words of Mine on your heart and on your soul, tie them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be 'totafot' between your eyes….”

While I am not particularly religious in practice, the importance of my spiritual experiences on this trip cannot be understated. As a child, my religious indoctrination taught that the only way to spiritual peace was through my particular religion. This limited view of the world constricted my exposure to other thought—and left me with an impression of Jewish people (whom I did not spend time with) as “lost” and the intellectual leaders as “blinded.” Nearly everything on this trip, beginning with that El-Al flight, exposed me to a different view.


For Shabbat, the first I’d ever experienced, a rabbi stayed with our group. Several of us read and discussed the Sabbath’s Torah portion with the rabbi that evening. Unlike many of the religious education classes I’d attended, in this one debate was encouraged, arguing allowed, questions permitted, and critical thinking unfettered!

The following morning, I attended synagogue for the first time in my life. Sitting by the wall in the back row, I observed the hundreds of worshippers singing and praying. Then, the rabbi delivered a thunderous sermon. I remain inspired by his articulate and powerful plea that we never shy away from being a force to confront evil.

Rather than finding confusion, blindness, and despair in the Judaic religious tradition, my first experiences revealed certainty, enlightenment, and confidence!

At Masada, we walked through the ruins of the fortress and I heard the story of the Jewish patriots who chose to forfeit their lives at the top of that rock rather than surrender their heritage and freedom. A young IDF soldier, rifle by his side, reading a prayer book after applying teffilin seemed to me a living tribute to their bravery. .

Thoughts and emotions from these experiences and many more fermented within me as my brother Joshua and I stood overlooking the valley next to the Golan Heights. With our arms around each others’ shoulders, I thought back to the traditional idea of God’s promise to Abraham thousands of years ago….

I was home..

I’m happy to say, that my personal transformation continued. My experience in Israel encouraged me to continue to discover Judaism. I was now emotionally able to relinquish the faith of my childhood which had caused so much intellectual conflict. I realized that as I was losing one community of shared but sometimes forced religious belief, at last I was free to embrace the heritage, the faith, and the culture that has been forgotten by many in my family…and which had lain dormant within my soul.

My brother relocated to Chicago – partially to spend time with me-- but more importantly to develop relationships with the large Jewish community here. We are enjoying Shabbat dinners, studying with several rabbis, and immersing ourselves in traditions long forgotten by our family.

I hold immense gratitude in my heart for those people whose generosity made it possible for my brother Joshua and me to discover the beauty and uniqueness of their Jewish heritage. I left for Israel thinking I was a young man whose mother had Jewish parents. Today, I know that I too am a Jew.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Ongoing Bull Market in Commodities

Why Commodities Are Still In a Bull Market

The price of commodities has risen moderately over the past year. While speculation had a significant impact on the volatility that occurred in the market the past three years, this multi-year move in the commodity markets was not simply a byproduct of speculation. The fundamentals still point to a continued bull market in commodities.

A Look Back

The surge in oil prices to $147 per barrel in 2008 best illustrates the past commodity boom. Global economic growth, tensions in global hot spots pertinent to oil production provided the conditions necessary to see the steepest 6 month rise in oil prices in 35 years. Of course, following the peak in the summer of 2008, commodity prices fell at a record pace. One again, oil best illustrates this with a 75% decline as the "bubble" deflated. The UBS Bloomberg CMCI gauge of 26 raw materials fell by 53% from July 2008 to April 2009.

Market fundamentals were largely responsible for this decline in commodities prices, as the economies of the developed world weathered recession and the growth rate of developing countries slowed. Demand for oil and also other raw materials weakened significantly in the near term. Such a drastic deterioration of economic conditions took many market participants by surprise, fueling the velocity of decline from the peak of the 2008 bull market.

The exit of speculators bullish on these commodities exacerbated the speed of the fall, but the decline simply mirrored economic realties. For example, the global recession resulted in oil demand declining in 2008 for the first time since 1983. Demand in 2009 diminished as well.


Commodities are still in the midst of a historic bull market. The price decline is only a temporary pause. I believe that the resumption of global economic growth, the continued maturation of the developing world, the finite nature of many commodities, and prospects for a falling dollar will provide the impetus for a bull market continuation.

Resumption of economic growth

As countries emerged from recession in 2010, demand once again increased across the developed world. Although the prudence of the TARP and TALF programs is questionable, the programs are beginning to unthaw the credit markets. This improved access to credit by businesses is an essential component to economic recovery.

Rapid economic growth within developing countries

More important to long term demand than the developed world's resumption of economic growth is the impact of the developing world. For decades, Europe and the United States have dominated global economic output, both in absolute value and on a per capita basis. However, this dominance is fading.

Since 1978, China has experienced approximately a 1000% increase in GDP, to $7.8 trillion. However, even after this rapid expansion, China remains a lower middle-income country with per capita income of $6,000. This rapid economic growth has not affected commodities demand on the same level as a similar expansion within a developed country.

However, after decades of torrid growth, China is now the second largest economy in the world. As China continues to close the gap between its per capita GDP and that of the developed world, China will require an even greater share of global commodities output. In fact, according to Barclays Capital, China already accounts for more than 60% of the global growth in demand for copper, coal, and aluminum. According to the Wall Street Journal, Chinese demand for raw materials is once again increasing, with crude oil imports and iron ore imports at record levels.

Another developing country which will have long term impact on commodities demand is India. India's per capita GDP is just $2,800, compared with $6.000 in China. Currently, industry employs just 12% of the labor force in India compared to 25% of the labor force in China. As India transitions from an economy dominated by agriculture to one dominated by industry, this gap should close.

The forces of rapid economic expansion in China, India, and across the developing world will provide increased demands for commodities. China, with a population equal to 400% of the US, consumes just 38% of the amount of oil used by the US and just 11% of the amount of natural gas used by the US. As this large gap will continues to close, the increased demand will contribute to rising commodity prices.

Infrastructure construction in the developing world

Directly related to raw materials demand is the fact that much of the infrastructure required for industrialization within the developing world has not been completed. The roads, electrical grids, transportation networks, and modern housing all require concrete, copper, steel, and other raw materials.

As an example, consider the differences between China and the US. While China occupies a geographic area nearly identical in size to the US, it contains just 3% of the number of airports with paved runways, 25% the number of kilometers of paved roads, and 33% the number of kilometers of railroad tracks. The comparison between the state of infrastructure within India and the US is even more stark. Of course, these statistics only encompass some of the vital infrastructure needs of an industrialized country.

Specific examples of improvements include construction of nineteen additional nuclear power plants and waste treatment plants. China also contracted with Alstom, a French firm, for sixty electric regional trains which travel at 200 kilometers per hour. The regional transportation systems alone are growing rapidly, with 1,400 Metropolis cars already sold to China from Alstom. In April of this year, China announced an initiative to construct infrastructure in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. These projects involve providing access to schools, drinking water, and electricity to the villages. Ethnic minority groups alone have a total population of over 100 million.

Providing this foundation for continued economic growth involves consumption of an enormous amount of raw materials. Quite simply, the demands of these much more populous countries will dwarf the amount of raw materials used in the prior industrialization of the developed world-in a much more condensed period of time.

Population growth

The developing world will experience a rapid increase in population growth. The US Census Bureau estimates the world population to be 6.7 billion currently. The United Nations predicts that this will increase to 8.9 billion by 2050. Nearly all of this increase will come from the developing world. The demands of an additional population equal to four times that of the EU and US combined will impact the demand on both raw materials and food commodities.

Finite resources for agricultural production and raw materials

Agricultural products, while renewable, face constraints of yield and acreage. The slower advancement in yield increases on crops along with the increased urbanization of available land should limit supply as a growing global population demands more food.

Raw materials will face even greater upward pressure for a myriad of reasons. These reasons are in addition to population growth, resumption of economic growth, and industrialization which were already discussed. The supply of raw materials is finite. New deposit discoveries and increased technological efficiency have allowed production increase possibilities to exceed increases in demand until recently. However, this may be difficult in the future. Discoveries on the scale of years past are not likely to happen as much of the world has been mapped out geologically. In addition, many of the most accessible and easily extractible areas are currently producing or already completely extracted. Furthermore, across areas of North America where many areas are known to contain materials, environmental restrictions and invasive government regulations will inhibit production into the indefinite future.

In regards to oil, the OPEC cartel controlling nationalized oil companies has shown a significant reluctance to purchase the equipment required to increase capacity or to open new wells. While private companies would likely divert resources towards increased production, the countries in control of production have a dual need to transfer the funds for social welfare programs and to diversify their economies away from energy production. In addition, refinery capacity has not kept up with either the increased energy demands or petroleum extraction. Environmental restrictions are a major reason for this lack of increase. Such a situation provides further upward pressure on pricing.

In short, the most basic economic concept is the supply and demand curve. As demand increases, an increase in prices and/or increase in supply can be expected. When supply cannot be adequately increased, a sharper increase in prices is required to cause an equilibrium in the supply and demand curve. Finite materials constricting supply with growing demand will cause prices to increase.

Lower valuation of the US dollar

Currently, prices for commodities are denominated in dollars. As such, the value of the dollar impacts the pricing of those commodities. All things being equal, the value of a currency in relation to goods can expect remain relatively stable only if the increase in monetary supply does not exceed the growth in an economy. Into the foreseeable future, the growth in the "number" of dollars in existence will exceed US economic growth. Not only is the Federal Reserve recapitalizing banks with new funds, but it is also purchasing US debt directly from the Treasury in an amount of approximately $1 trillion in the next year alone.

This results in an increase in money so great that it in effect devalues the currency. Such currency devaluation will have a direct impact on commodities in general as the dollar is worth less.

Theodore Herzl- 150th Birthday of the Zionist Leader Responsible for the Founding of the Modern Nation of Israel

This 150th anniversary of Theodore Herzl's birth is cause for celebration. As a people, we have come along way towards accomplishing the Zionist ideal. Just reflect for a moment on the successes the modern day nation of Israel has enjoyed in its infancy. We've all heard of American exceptionalism...In many ways, Israeli exceptionalism is even more unique. Over the past century, millions of Jews from Ethiopia, the former Soviet Union, Iraq, Europe, South Africa and the Western Hemisphere have returned to the land of our ancestors after centuries of absence. Individual liberty in Israel is nearly unparalleled. And Israel's ability to strike a balance between economic liberty and caring for others has resulted in a strong economy without losing it's soul to pure materialism. Where else in the Mideast do women, minority ethnic populations, and distinct religious groups have so much protection by the State? Nowhere else...

As stunning as our achievements have much freedom has been granted to all Israeli citizens... an array of opposition to Zionism confronts us today. Disconcertingly, this opposition is coming from alarming places...and from people who have no excuse to be blinded by ignorance.

Can any of us forget how media portrayed the Gaza flotilla incident this summer? Although blocking the flotilla was clearly permitted under UN resolutions and international law, although there is a history of arms smuggling through the ports, although Israel offered to allow the aid into the country subject to search, mainstream media sided with the wrongdoers before and after the debacle onboard the ships.

Unfortunately, even in this country-- in mainstream media-- those with an anti-Zionist bias draft the headlines which shape public opinion. How many of us remember the anchor of CNN's Mideast Affairs director- Octavia Nasr- who recently said this about one of the leaders of Hezbollah-- "Sad to hear of the passing of Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah...One of Hezbollah's giants I respect alot."

Of course, we all know that CNN fired this senior editor. However, we should all be asking serious questions. How did Octavia's biases affect the stories covered and the manner in which they were covered? Was CNN aware of her sympathies towards terrorist leaders prior to this event? If CNN were aware, why did she remain responsible for the Mideast reporting department? What does this say about the values at this leading news organization? Just as we would expect a member of the KKK to provided a perverted perspective on race relations, we can conjecture that Octavia did the same on issues regarding Israel. She was on the record as sympathizing with a terrorist.

This anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist bias is far more pervasive than we wish to admit. Think of another CNN anchor-- Rick Sanchez-- who was fired this last week for some interesting remarks to the effect that Jewish people are not an oppressed minority and in fact control much of this country...He came dangerously close to expressing belief in the Protocols of the elders of Zion...He too was fired-- but only after such bigotry was made public. We must remember that far more damage is done by opinion shapers who disguise their biased bigotry underneath a sheen of intellectualism.

Then-- we had the case of Helen Thomas-- the most senior of all White House press correspondents. In the words of Helen Thomas to the Jews "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine". Lest we think she was referring merely to the settlements- or territories-- she clarified her statement- "Remember these people are occupied and its there land..not Germany's or Poland's" They should go "home" to Poland and Germany and America and everywhere else."

Are we so naive to think that this is the first time the views of these leaders of journalism ever expressed such sentiments to their colleagues" Are we so naive enough to presume that this bias has not contaminated the reporting at our news organizations? Are we so naive to believe that this reporting has not brainwashed an millions of people against Zionism?

We must become alert to the subtle way in which Zionism is being slandered. World leaders and the media figures cloud the debate and shift public opinion by changing the definitions of words and promoting the fraud of moral equivalency. For instance, Palestinian leaders talk about recognition of Israel, yet when pressed insist such recognition will not be of Israel as a Jewish state. The UN-- and even our country-- discuss the Palestinian refugee problem as if it were analogous to other similar crises. Yet, this crises is one caused by and perpetuated by the very countries using the crises as an excuse not to make peace with Israel. And most importantly, it's the engagement by many leaders-- and even some within our own Jewish community-- to insist that Zionism is responsible for the strife in the Mideast.

We must especially be cognizant of those who claim to be on our side while undermining the Zionist ideal. A "Jewish advocacy" group which we're all familiar with-- J Street-- promotes positions criticizing the Israeli government, Israeli security precautions, and legitimate Israeli settlement construction. We should have all been wary of a Jewish lobbying organization channeling its energy against Israeli policy at a time when Islamic radicalism threatens to annihilate our security in the West and the existence of the state of Israel. In starting recent revelations, it turns out that the co-founder of J-Street, Daniel Levy, believes that Israel's creation was "an act that was wrong" and that there's "no reason for a Palestinian should think there was justice" in Israel's founding.

If we are to "Reclaim Zionism" as the American Zionist Mission seeks to do-- we must discuss these issues with our associates, write letters to editors, and lobby our representatives. We have tremendous power to undo the damage by disseminating objective information through personal blogs, facebook, twitter, emails, and conversations. Providing information to others has never been so easy! We must reclaim Zionism from the historical revisionists and the opinionated--and often ignorant-- commentators who have such control over the public perception.

We have much to be proud of..much to celebrate..and much work left to do!