Saturday, October 16, 2010

Praise of Narcissistic Fools?

Some pundits this week expressed admiration for the stunt the "Imperial Stars" pulled. On October 12, the band maneuvered their large truck across the 101 in Southern California, parked it across several lanes, then "performed" on top of it in front of their captive freeway audience. According to the band, they intended to draw attention to the problem of child hunger.

Speaking out about a cause is one of the freedoms guaranteed by our Bill of Rights -- the freedom of speech. However, this right in no way permits an individual from blocking a freeway thereby hindering people from doctor's appointments, job interviews, work committments, family, and other aspects of daily life.

Whether profit, publicity, or sympathy for starving children motivated this collection of narcissistic fools is irrelevant! Earning a profit can be perfectly moral-- so can gaining publicity or solving world hunger. However, stealing from someone elses pocket or stealing time from someone else's life is immoral, even if that thief's intent is "noble".

This band deserves incarceration and condemnation, not praise, for this disturbing behavior.

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